Awhile back, someone photo-shopped Trump’s hair to reflect how it would really look if he ditched his current come-over orange style. It showed up as short white hair. Not only was he unrecognizable, but it was utterly hilarious. Michael Cohen, who was once Trump’s friend and confidant, explained that Trump had hair implants decades ago, and it was a horrible failure, resulting in red sores on his scalp. No way would he EVER reveal this secret.
Awhile back, someone photo-shopped Trump’s hair to reflect how it would really look if he ditched his current come-over orange style. It showed up as short white hair. Not only was he unrecognizable, but it was utterly hilarious. Michael Cohen, who was once Trump’s friend and confidant, explained that Trump had hair implants decades ago, and it was a horrible failure, resulting in red sores on his scalp. No way would he EVER reveal this secret.