100%. This is why I had such an issue with the Daily Show "both sides" the age issue. They are not the same.

Love the op-ed David. You should write more.

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Yet he saved the place from diving into the ground so there's NO reason to change pilots. Arguably, the "wing loss" was caused by an unruly passenger seated in 45A and he wishes to stir up the passengers to have him be the substitute pilot.

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Age issue? Right wing can not run on issues. Seems personal attack is a deflection. The right is hiding something and Trump will deliver it. I feel apprehensive. It seems 'the coup' is continuing and much of it is from within our own government. In this, the First nor Second Amendments will protects us, rather, they are being used against us.

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I totally agree. Just an aside, I sometimes feel we're preaching to the choir. I phone banked to "turn Florida blue" in 2020. okay, so it didn't work, but as we all know, the whole election may turn on a few swing states. get involved with a phone bank. its really actually psychologically helpful. you're at least doing something! tell people to remember to sign the back of their ballot if they're mailing them in. you'll get info on where they can either drop off their ballots or vote early. don't waste your time arguing with staunch Trump supporters, but get Biden people out. it's fun, you meet nice people (and some horrible people too!), but its worth it. let's be an army. let's get your there.

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David very well said, Biden as far from perfect but he is gives the US a fighting chance to rectify the problems the world is facing and does not through flames on them. A Trump Presidency would undermine the entire American way of life and the freedoms that you have been fighting for, for centuries. As a Canadian looking in on the USA from a distance. I see nothing that Trump will offer that will "Make America Great Again" on the contrary it would be disastrous for the entire world!

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This election is impacted by more than the moral value differences in the two old white men.

RE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_k-c8dABhQ

For those Repubs, who have not succumbed to the authoritarian MAGA cult, which is over 74 million voters who will vote for their beloved leader without question, they may vote for Biden. However, those same Repubs will not vote for Dems down ballot. They will not vote for a Dem Congress because they need Congress to rein in Biden while stopping DJT.

Women, minorities, and really young voters are key Biden supporters, but can a few Republicans make up for the losses Biden is supposedly suffering from in these critical supporters?

As Steve Phillips wrote in Brown Is The New White, campaign money is better spent on person-to-person canvassing and progressive messaging than on expensive ads that make you and I feel good.

This is a long campaign with a rematch of two old white guys and a media that mostly refuses to call out DJT for his fascism, criminality and senility. That calling out is what will make sure DJT loses. But media makes more profit by promoting a close race.

In the 2020 election, DJT gained 11M votes over the 2016 election. Luckily, Biden grew Dem voter turnout by over 15M. 2024 will depend on whether Dems or Repubs are the more inspired voters. Which one will lose the most from their 2016 to 2020 gains?

Then there are the trials that DJT might lose before the election. That’s becoming less likely, but …?

The polling on this race is insane and just as much BS as before, but the media profits from them.

Sorry for dumping on you but there are so many variables and many months of impactful events to come.

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