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Giuliani MELTS at Deranged Trump Fraud Briefing
Rudy Giuliani, Sydney Powell, and other members of the Trump legal team held a press conference yesterday at the RNC headquarters in Washington DC. Apparently the room was really hot, because the most notable thing that happened at this hour-long presser was Giuliani’s face getting drenched in sweat and his black hair dye dripping down his sideburns. Giuliani’s face melting was a powerful metaphor for Trump’s legal case in general. Despite all the bluster, there weren’t any bombshells released during the briefing. Instead, the talking points about poll watchers in Pennsylvania and vote counts spiking in Wisconsin were reiterated. Affidavits were offered but there was no solid proof presented to demonstrate widespread voter fraud across the country.
At one point it sounded like Sydney Powell was just trying to list off all the buzzwords that Republican voters find scary. The Trump conspiracy about how the election was stolen from them now involves George Soros, Venezuela, the Clinton Foundation, and Antifa, among other entities. Giuliani acted out a scene from the movie “My Cousin Vinny” and made allegations much wackier than what he can get away with in a court room. The reporters at the press conference didn’t take any of the allegations seriously and the entire event would have been a waste of time if not for how funny it was.
There Are FOOD LINES in America in 2020
Despite being one of the world’s richest countries in the year 2020, the United States still has food lines. This week, more than 6,000 cars and 25,000 people lined up to get free food at a North Texas food bank. People in line received one turkey, dry products, bread and fresh produce. Each person was given approximately twenty meals worth of food. Officials at the food bank said that at least 40% of the people in line are “new to them and due to COVID.” A report from the Institute for Policy Research at Northwestern University in June found that food insecurity had doubled overall and tripled for families with kids as a result of the pandemic.
When you look at the pictures of the food lines, perhaps the most disturbing piece of it all is that these are optional. There are plenty of resources and money available to end hunger in the United States. We throw out a third or more of the food we produce if you count all stages of the production process. The right-wing loves to fearmonger about “socialist” countries that have bread lines. Those literally exist here in the United States and our failing capitalist system is leaving people to depend on charity to survive.
From yesterday’s show:
WHOA, Donald Trump Lost By A LOT
Votes in the 2020 election are still being counted and final numbers won’t be reported for a few more weeks, but with each passing day, Joe Biden’s victory in the popular vote continues to increase. Biden’s vote total is close to 80 million now, with Donald Trump well behind at nearly 74 million. Hillary Clinton beat Trump in the popular vote by 3 million votes in 2016; Biden’s victory will be two to three times larger. Much of the outstanding votes are in New York, which is a Democratic stronghold. Biden’s decisive popular vote win is more important for the message that it sends than anything else. Trump’s coup attempt becomes much harder to pull off if the judges and electors making the final decisions understand that the margin between Biden and Trump is not even close.
--More on the show:
--Caller talks about a way for regular people to write laws
--Caller asks about what Trump means by "patriotic education"
--Caller gives a Canadian's take on the 2020 US presidential election
--Caller asks how to deal with 75 million Trump supporters
--Caller talks about Trump having to pay his debts once he leaves office
--Audience Question: How did Trump get 10 million more votes than in 2016?
--Audience Question: Will Trump be investigated when he leaves office?
--Audience Question: Will Joe Biden be able to pass his tax plan?
--On the Bonus Show: Trump's actual strategy for stealing the 2020 election, and much more...
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